C - Programming BIT First Semester



Course Title: C Programming 

Course No: BIT102 

Nature of the Course: Theory + Lab 

Semester: I 


 Course Description 

This course introduces students to fundamental programming principles and problem-solving techniques through the structured programming paradigm using the C programming language. Topics include program design, basic syntax, operators, control structures, arrays, functions, pointers, structures, and file handling. 


 Course Objectives 

The primary goal of this course is to equip students with the skills to design and implement structured programs to solve specific problems using C programming. Additionally, it provides a comprehensive understanding of the syntax and semantics of the C language. 


 Course Contents 

 Unit 1: Introduction (3 Hrs.) 

- History and advantages of C programming. 

- Problem analysis, algorithms, and flowcharts. 

- Structure of a C program. 

- Writing, compiling, debugging, and executing C programs in Windows and Unix/Unix-like environments. 


 Unit 2: Elements of C (3 Hrs.) 

- C tokens and character sets. 

- Data types, constants, and variables. 

- Expressions, statements, and comments. 

- Escape sequences and delimiters. 


 Unit 3: Input/Output Functions (2 Hrs.) 

- Conversion specifiers. 

- Input/output functions. 

- Formatted I/O operations. 


 Unit 4: Operators and Expressions (4 Hrs.) 

- Arithmetic, relational, logical, and assignment operators. 

- Increment and decrement operators, ternary operator, and bitwise operators. 

- Other operators: comma, sizeof. 

- Expression evaluation, operator precedence, and associativity. 


 Unit 5: Control Structures (8 Hrs.) 

- Introduction to selection and iterative statements. 

- GOTO and labels. 

- Selection Statements: `if`, `if-else`, `if-else-if` ladder, nested `if`, `switch`. 

- Conditional operator. 

- Iterative Statements: `for`, `while`, `do-while`, nested loops, and the odd loop. 

- Controlling loops: `break` and `continue`. 


 Unit 6: Arrays and Strings (5 Hrs.) 

- Introduction to arrays and their initialization. 

- Array indexing and usage. 

- One-dimensional and multi-dimensional arrays. 

- Strings and basic string manipulation functions. 


 Unit 7: Functions (6 Hrs.) 

- Introduction and types of functions. 

- Declaration, definition, and function calls. 

- Arguments and return statements. 

- Recursive functions. 

- Call by value and reference. 

- Variable scope and function parameters. 

- Arrays as function parameters. 

- `void` as a parameter. 

- External functions and variables. 

- Header files, static variables, and register variables. 


 Unit 8: The C Preprocessor (2 Hrs.) 

- Features of the C preprocessor. 

- Macro expansion and macros with arguments. 

- File inclusion and conditional compilation. 

- Preprocessor directives: `if`, `elif`, `undef`, and `pragma`. 

- The build process: preprocessing, compiling, assembling, linking, and loading. 



 Unit 9: Pointers (5 Hrs.) 

- Introduction to pointers and their declaration/initialization. 

- Address, reference, dereference, and `sizeof` operator. 

- Null pointers and pointer arithmetic. 

- Pointers as arguments and return values. 

- Pointers vs. arrays. 

- Dynamic memory allocation. 


 Unit 10: Structures and Unions (5 Hrs.) 

- Definition and usage of structures. 

- Arrays of structures. 

- Passing structures and arrays of structures to functions. 

- Pointers to structures. 

- Self-referential structures. 

- `typedef` and table lookups. 

- Definition and applications of unions. 


 Unit 11: File Handling (2 Hrs.) 

- Files vs. streams and required header files. 

- Opening and closing streams, open modes, and the `errno` variable. 

- Reading/writing streams using `fgetc()`, `fputc()`, `fgets()`, and `fputs()`. 

- Raw I/O operations: `fread()` and `fwrite()`. 

- Random file access. 


 Laboratory Works 

Lab exercises will focus on verifying programming concepts introduced in the course. These include: 

- Logic implementation. 

- Set operations, relations, and functions. 

- Recursive algorithms. 

- Number theory algorithms and operations on integers. 

- Boolean matrix operations. 

- Algorithms for graphs and trees. 


 Text/Reference Books 

1. Let Us C by Yashavant P. Kanetkar. 

2. The C Programming Language by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie. 

3. Programming with C by Byron Gottfried, McGraw Hill Education. 



This course prepares students to develop efficient, structured solutions to programming challenges, providing a strong foundation in C programming.

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